
The Art of Live Looping


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Private Lessons


The A.L.L. Educational Outreach is a fun, fast paced, fluid and dynamic lesson plan readily adapted to teach those of varying levels of skill and development. From kindergarten students learning basic fundamentals of musical creation, to experienced musicians looking to develop new skills. 

The A.L.L. program is as portable, modular, and easily adaptable as any musician should be. It can be tailored for any environment, from the classroom, to festivals, and even one-on-one mentorship programs are available


Watch Arthur show us how it's done with this free video lesson

How is it done?

Basically the signal of a vocal mic or acoustic guitar goes into your looping device and the output goes into your mixer or amp. When you are ready to loop you press the record button on the downbeat and press it again at the end of the phrase on the downbeat. Then that loop will play over and over. You have to make sure your initial loop is in time otherwise it will drive you crazy. Then you can “overdub” additional parts on top of what you have and you can layer parts to your heart’s content.


Watch Arthur teach Live Looping to Lyons High School students


Through bringing my assembly program to schools around the country and talking with music teachers, I have discovered that the A.L.L. offers incredible potential for music teachers to use it in the classroom to help them be more effective in reaching their national core standards for music education.

1.    Engaging & fun for students and teachers
2.    Efficiency: Faster learning for students / Supports Core Music Standards!
3.    Immediacy of on-the-spot-recording for assessments and evaluation. 
4.    Kids think it's cool! (teachers too!) 
5.    Create practice loops to help students learn difficult passages.

It's actually very simple and relatively inexpensive to get started with A.L.L. in your classroom. The Art of Live-Looping via the iPad app LOOPY HD offers music students an exciting, easily accessible and inexpensive tool that will support them in learning many of the core music standards thru hands on engagement and collaboration. Educators will find this a time saving tool in class by speeding up the student’s learning process as well as providing a powerful new tool for the assessment process.

If you are interested in using a traditional live-looping pedal approach,
then the most affordable and logical unit for the classroom in my opinion is the Digitech JamMan Looper/Phrase Sampler. If you already have some kind of a sound system with a microphone and mic stand then you are more than half way there.

If you would like to know more about Arthur's Lesson plan, click here!